Lake Fontana Waterproof Map #342


Lake Fontana Waterproof Map #342


  • Waterproof and Tear Resistant Map!
  • One-sided 24″x36″
  • GPS Compatible, Marina Listings, Lake Structure, Road Network and More.
  • Full Color
SKU: 342 Categories: ,

Fontana Lake

24″x 36″ One-sided Waterproof and Tear Resistant Map!

GPS Compatible, Marina Listings, Lake Structure, Road Network and More.

Fontana Lake could be called the best-kept secret in the Smoky Mountains. Just consider a 29-mile long lake, with more than 240 miles of shoreline and 11,685 acres of water surface. Its deep, cold waters provide ideal habitat for a variety of fish. In fact, record size musky and walleye have been pulled from its depths. Some people even claim that it’s one of the best smallmouth bass lakes in the country.